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«Фантастическая ночь» на английском языке

Fantastic night

35 голосов
✒ Автор
📖 Страниц60
⏰ Время чтения 4 часа
💡 Опубликовано1922
🌏 Язык оригинала Немецкий
📌 Типы Новелла , Рассказ , Роман
📌 Жанры Психологическое, Реализм
📌 Секции Психологический роман , Реалистический роман

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Fantastic night: читать книгу на английском

A SEALED PACKET containing the following pages was found in the desk of Baron Friedrich Michael von R … after he fell at the battle of Rawaruska in the autumn of 1914, fighting with a regiment of dragoons as a lieutenant in the Austrian reserve. His family, assuming from the title and a fleeting glance at the contents that this was merely a literary work by their relative, gave it to me to assess and entrusted me with its publication. Myself, I do not by any means regard these papers as fiction; instead, I believe them to be a record of the dead man’s own experience, faithful in every detail, and I therefore publish his psychological self-revelation without any alteration or addition, suppressing only his surname.
This morning I suddenly conceived the notion of writing, for my own benefit, an account of my experiences on that fantastic night, in order to survey the entire incident in its natural order of occurrence. And ever since that abrupt moment of decision I have felt an inexplicable compulsion to set my adventure down in words, although I doubt whether I can describe its strange nature at all adequately. I have not a trace of what people call artistic talent, nor any literary experience, and apart from a few rather light-hearted squibs for the Theresianum I have never tried to write anything. I don’t even know, for instance, if there is some special technique to be learnt for arranging the sequence of outward events and their simultaneous inner reflection in order, and I wonder whether I am capable of always finding the right word for a certain meaning and the right meaning for a certain word, so as to achieve the equilibrium which I have always subconsciously felt in reading the work of every true storyteller. But I write these lines solely for my own satisfaction, and they are certainly not intended to make something that I can hardly explain even to myself intelligible to others. They are merely an attempt to confront an incident which constantly occupies my mind, keeping it in a state of painfully active fermentation, and to draw a line under it at last: to set it all down, place it before me, and cover it from every angle.
I have not told any of my friends about the incident, first because I felt that I could not make them understand its essential aspects, and then out of a certain sense of shame at having been so shattered and agitated by something that happened quite by chance. For the whole thing is really just a small episode. But even as I write this, I begin to realise how difficult it is for an amateur to choose words of the right significance when he is writing, and what ambiguity, what possibilities of misunderstanding can attach to the simplest of terms. For if I describe the episode as small, of course I mean it only as relatively small, by comparison with those mighty dramatic events that sweep whole nations and human destinies along with them, and then again I mean it as small in terms of time, since the whole sequence of events occupied no more than a bare six hours. To me, however, that experience — which in the general sense was minor, insignificant, unimportant — meant so extraordinarily much that even today, four months after that fantastic night, I still burn with the memory of it, and must exert all my intellectual powers to keep it to myself. Daily, hourly, I go over all the details again, for in a way it has become the pivot on which my whole existence turns; everything I do and say is unconsciously determined by it, my thoughts are solely concerned with going over and over its sudden intrusion into my life, and thereby confirming that it really did happen to me. And now I suddenly know, too, what I certainly had not yet guessed ten minutes ago when I picked up my pen: that I am recording my experience only in order to have it securely and, so to speak, objectively fixed before me, to enjoy it again in my emotions while at the same time understanding it intellectually. It was quite wrong, quite untrue when I said just now that I wanted to draw a line under it by writing it down; on the contrary, I want to make what I lived through all too quickly even more alive, to have it warm and breathing beside me, so that I can clasp it to me again and again. Oh, I am not afraid of forgetting so much as a second of that sultry afternoon, that fantastic night, I need no markers or milestones to help me trace the path I took in those hours step by step in memory: like a sleepwalker I find myself back under its spell at any time, in the middle of the day or the middle of the night, seeing every detail with that clarity of vision that only the heart and not the feeble memory knows. I could draw the outline of every single leaf in that green spring landscape on this paper, even now in autumn I feel the mild air, the soft and pollen-laden wafts of chestnut blossom. So if I am about to describe those hours again, it is done not for fear of forgetting them but for the joy of bringing them to life again. And if I now describe the changes that took place that night, all exactly as they occurred, then I must control myself for the sake of an orderly account, for whenever I begin to think of the details of my experience ecstasy wells up from my emotions, a kind of intoxication overcomes me, and I have to hold back the images of memory to keep them from tumbling over one another in wild confusion, colourful and frenzied. With passionate ardour, I still relive what I experienced on that day, the 7th of June, 1913, when I took a cab at noon …
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13 комментариев

19.04.2020 05:07

Книга лучшая!!!!

05.04.2020 15:25


02.04.2020 05:07

книга оооооооооооооочень крутая!!!!

29.03.2020 06:35

Крутая книга!

13.02.2020 06:44

Ну не плохо не плохо😂🙏

01.12.2019 16:23

Книга Класс!!!Ставлю 5 звёзд

23.09.2019 16:24

Книга очень хорошая.Я подучиваю свой англ.(мне 9 лет) и наконец понимаю что к чему.Лучшая книга!

Советаю поставить 5 звёзд!Не пожалеете 100%

23.08.2019 06:38

мне понравилась книга крутая всем советаю 5 звезд

24.07.2019 10:25


24.09.2018 16:09

Эту сказку можно перечитывать много раз. История об Алисе, которая провалилась в кроличью нору и попала в страну абсурда, знакома любому. Какая девочка не ставила себя на место Алисы! Ее приключения завораживают.

А хитрая улыбка Чеширского кота, ее не забыть!

21.09.2018 20:31

Занимательная книжка для юного читателя. Много положительных и интересных героев которые остаются в памяти ребенка. Прочитала самостоятельно половину и отложила примерно через несколько дней вернулась к дочтению я была удивлена изначально и думала не понравилась ей, но оказалось наоборот.

19.09.2018 04:52

Моя маленькая дочь очень любит эту книгу. Она называет ее фантазийные приключения Алисы, самой дерзкой девочки на свете. А вообще,ей нравятся все герои. Я обратил внимание,что она не делит их на положительных и отрицательных. Видимо, эмпатия еще не позволяет выделять негативную сторону поступков.

14.09.2018 09:01

Внучка в восторге. Тренирует свой английский на любимой сказке. Скачали и прочли с удовольствием. На днях вернёмся к новой книжке с переводом.


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