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«Заурядная женщина» на английском языке

A Second-Rate Woman

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✒ Автор
📖 Страниц30
⏰ Время чтения 1 час 15 минут
💡 Опубликовано1888
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ

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A Second-Rate Woman: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

Est fuga, volvitur rota,
On we drift: where looms the dim port?
One Two Three Four Five contribute their quota:
Something is gained if one caught but the import,
Show it us, Hugues of Saxe-Gotha.
— Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha.
'Dressed! Don't tell me that woman ever dressed in her life. She stood in the middle of the room while her ayah no, her husband it must have been a man threw her clothes at her. She then did her hair with her fingers, and rubbed her bonnet in the flue under the bed. I know she did, as well as if I had assisted at the orgy. Who is she?' said Mrs. Hauksbee.
'Don't!' said Mrs. Mallowe feebly. 'You make my head ache. I'am miserable to-day. Stay me with fondants, comfort me with chocolates, for I am Did you bring anything from Peliti's?'
'Questions to begin with. You shall have the sweets when you have answered them. Who and what is the creature? There were at least half-a-dozen men round her, and she appeared to be going to sleep in their midst.'
'Delville,' said Mrs. Mallowe, '''Shady" Delville, to distinguish her from Mrs. Jim of that ilk. She dances as untidily as she dresses, I believe, and her husband is somewhere in Madras. Go and call, if you are so interested.'
'What have I to do with Shigramitish women? She merely caught my attention for a minute, and I wondered at the attraction that a dowd has for a certain type of man. I expected to see her walk out of her clothes until I looked at her eyes.'
'Hooks and eyes, surely,' drawled Mrs. Mallowe.
'Don't be clever, Polly. You make my head ache. And round this hayrick stood a crowd of men a positive crowd!'
'Perhaps they also expected '
'Polly, don't be Rabelaisian!'
Mrs. Mallowe curled herself up comfortably on the sofa, and turned her attention to the sweets. She and Mrs. Hauksbee shared the same house at Simla; and these things befell two seasons after the matter of Otis Yeere, which has been already recorded.
Mrs. Hauksbee stepped into the verandah and looked down upon the Mall, her forehead puckered with thought.
'Hah!' said Mrs. Hauksbee shortly. 'Indeed!'
'What is it?' said Mrs. Mallowe sleepily.
'That dowd and The Dancing Master to whom I object.'
'Why to The Dancing Master? He is a middle-aged gentleman, of reprobate and romantic tendencies, and tries to be a friend of mine.'
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