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«Библейский панорамщик» на английском языке

The Scriptural Panoramist

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📖 Страниц5
⏰ Время чтения 10 минут
💡 Опубликовано1872
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ

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The Scriptural Panoramist: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

There was a fellow traveling around in that country," said Mr. Nickerson, "with a moral-religious show — a sort of scriptural panorama — and he hired a wooden-headed old slab to play the piano for him. After the first night's performance the showman says:
"'My friend, you seem to know pretty much all the tunes there are, and you worry along first rate. But then, didn't you notice that sometimes last night the piece you happened to be playing was a little rough on the proprieties, so to speak — didn't seem to jibe with the general gait of the picture that was passing at the time, as it were — was a little foreign to the subject, you know — as if you didn't either trump or follow suit, you understand?'
"'Well, no,' the fellow said; 'he hadn't noticed, but it might be; he had played along just as it came handy.'
"So they put it up that the simple old dummy was to keep his eye on the panorama after that, and as soon as a stunning picture was reeled out he was to fit it to a dot with a piece of music that would help the audience to get the idea of the subject, and warm them up like a camp-meeting revival. That sort of thing would corral their sympathies, the showman said.
"There was a big audience that night-mostly middle-aged and old people who belong to the church, and took a strong interest in Bible matters, and the balance were pretty much young bucks and heifers — they always come out strong on panoramas, you know, because it gives them a chance to taste one another's complexions in the dark.
"Well, the showman began to swell himself up for his lecture, and the old mud-Jobber tackled the piano and ran his fingers up and down once or twice to see that she was all right, and the fellows behind the curtain commenced to grind out the panorama. The showman balanced his weight on his right foot, and propped his hands over his hips, and flung his eyes over his shoulder at the scenery, and said:
"'Ladies and gentlemen, the painting now before you illustrates the beautiful and touching parable of the Prodigal Son. Observe the happy expression just breaking over the features of the poor, suffering youth — so worn and weary with his long march; note also the ecstasy beaming from the uplifted countenance of the aged father, and the joy that sparkles in the eyes of the excited group of youths and maidens, and seems ready to burst into the welcoming chorus from their lips. The lesson, my friends, is as solemn and instructive as the story is tender and beautiful.'
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