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«Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs» на английском языке

Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs

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📖 Страниц25
⏰ Время чтения 1 час
💡 Опубликовано1854
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ

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Poor Man's Pudding and Rich Man's Crumbs: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

YOU see," said poet Blandmour, enthusiastically — as some forty years ago we walked along the road in a soft, moist snowfall, toward the end of March — "you see, my friend, that the blessed almoner, Nature, is in all things beneficent ; and not only so, but considerate in her charities, as any discreet human philanthropist might be. This snow, now, which seems so unseasonable, is in fact just what a poor husbandman needs. Rightly is this soft March snow, falling just before seed-time, rightly it is called 'Poor Man's Manure.' Distilling from kind heaven upon the soil, by a gentle penetration it nourishes every clod, ridge, and furrow. To the poor farmer it is as good as the rich farmer's farmyard enrichments. And the poor man has no trouble to spread it, while the rich man has to spread his."
"Perhaps so," said I, without equal enthusiasm, brushing some of the damp flakes from my chest. "It may be as you say, dear Blandmour. But tell me, how is it that the wind drives yonder drifts of 'Poor Man's Manure' off poor Coulter's two-acre patch here, and piles it up yonder on rich Squire Teamster's twenty-acre field?"
"Ah! to be sure — yes — well; Coulter's field, I suppose is sufficiently moist without further moistenings. Enough is as good as a feast, you know."
"Yes," replied I, "of this sort of damp fare," shaking another shower of the damp flakes from my person. "But tell me, this warm spring snow may answer very well, as you say; but how is it with the cold snows of the long, long winters here?"
"Why, do you not remember the words of the Psalmist? — 'The Lord giveth snow like wool'; meaning not only that snow is white as wool, but warm, too, as wool. For the only reason, as I take it, that wool is comfortable, is because air is entangled, and therefore warmed among its fibres. Just so, then, take the temperature of a December field when covered with this snow-fleece, and you will no doubt find it several degrees above that of the air. So. you see. the winter's snow itself is beneficent: under the pretense of frost — a sort of gruff philanthropist — actually wanming the earth. which afterward is to be fertilizingly moistened by the gentle flakes of March."
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