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«Старый моряк» на английском языке

The Old Man of the Sea

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✒ Автор
📖 Страниц20
⏰ Время чтения 1 час
💡 Опубликовано1910
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ

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The Old Man of the Sea: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

"What I want you to do," said Mr. George Wright, as he leaned towards the old sailor, "is to be an uncle to me."
"Aye, aye," said the mystified Mr. Kemp, pausing with a mug of beer midway to his lips.
"A rich uncle," continued the young man, lowering his voice to prevent any keen ears in the next bar from acquiring useless knowledge. "An uncle from New Zealand, who is going to leave me all 'is money."
"Where's it coming from?" demanded Mr. Kemp, with a little excitement.
"It ain't coming," was the reply. "You've only got to say you've got it. Fact of the matter is, I've got my eye on a young lady; there's another chap after 'er too, and if she thought I'd got a rich uncle it might make all the difference. She knows I 'ad an uncle that went to New Zealand and was never heard of since. That's what made me think of it."
Mr. Kemp drank his beer in thoughtful silence. "How can I be a rich uncle without any brass?" he inquired at length.
"I should 'ave to lend you some — a little," said Mr. Wright.
The old man pondered. "I've had money lent me before," he said, candidly, "but I can't call to mind ever paying it back. I always meant to, but that's as far as it got."
"It don't matter," said the other. "It'll only be for a little while, and then you'll 'ave a letter calling you back to New Zealand. See? And you'll go back, promising to come home in a year's time, after you've wound up your business, and leave us all your money. See?"
Mr. Kemp scratched the back of his neck. "But she's sure to find it out in time," he objected.
"P'r'aps," said Mr. Wright. "And p'r'aps not. There'll be plenty of time for me to get married before she does, and you could write back and say you had got married yourself, or given your money to a hospital."
He ordered some more beer for Mr. Kemp, and in a low voice gave him as much of the family history as he considered necessary.
"I've only known you for about ten days," he concluded, "but I'd sooner trust you than people I've known for years."
"I took a fancy to you the moment I set eyes on you," rejoined Mr. Kemp. "You're the living image of a young fellow that lent me five pounds once, and was drowned afore my eyes the week after. He 'ad a bit of a squint, and I s'pose that's how he came to fall overboard."
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