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«Помешательство м-ра Листера» на английском языке

The Madness of Mr. Lister

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📖 Страниц17
⏰ Время чтения 45 минут
💡 Опубликовано1898
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ

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The Madness of Mr. Lister: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

Old Jem Lister, of the _Susannah,_ was possessed of two devils — the love of strong drink and avarice — and the only thing the twain had in common was to get a drink without paying for it. When Mr. Lister paid for a drink, the demon of avarice masquerading as conscience preached a teetotal lecture, and when he showed signs of profiting by it, the demon of drink would send him hanging round public-house doors cadging for drinks in a way which his shipmates regarded as a slur upon the entire ship's company. Many a healthy thirst reared on salt beef and tickled with strong tobacco had been spoiled by the sight of Mr. Lister standing by the entrance, with a propitiatory smile, waiting to be invited in to share it, and on one occasion they had even seen him (him, Jem Lister, A.B.) holding a horse's head, with ulterior motives.
It was pointed out to Mr. Lister at last that his conduct was reflecting discredit upon men who were fully able to look after themselves in that direction, without having any additional burden thrust upon them. Bill Henshaw was the spokesman, and on the score of violence (miscalled firmness) his remarks left little to be desired. On the score of profanity, Bill might recall with pride that in the opinion of his fellows he had left nothing unsaid.
"You ought to ha' been a member o' Parliament, Bill," said Harry Lea, when he had finished.
"It wants money," said Henshaw, shaking his head.
Mr. Lister laughed, a senile laugh, but not lacking in venom.
"That's what we've got to say," said Henshaw, turning upon him suddenly. "If there's anything I hate in this world, it's a drinking miser. You know our opinion, and the best thing you can do is to turn over a new leaf now."
"Take us all in to the Goat and Compasses," urged Lea; "bring out some o' those sovrins you've been hoarding."
Mr. Lister gazed at him with frigid scorn, and finding that the conversation still seemed to centre round his unworthy person, went up on deck and sat glowering over the insults which had been heaped upon him. His futile wrath when Bill dogged his footsteps ashore next day and revealed his character to a bibulous individual whom he had almost persuaded to be a Christian — from his point of view — bordered upon the maudlin, and he wandered back to the ship, wild-eyed and dry of throat.
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