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«Он их создал» на английском языке

Created He Them

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✒ Автор
📖 Страниц18
⏰ Время чтения 45 минут
💡 Опубликовано1907
🌏 Язык оригинала Английский
📌 Типы Рассказ , Рассказ
📌 Жанры Психологическое, Реализм, Психологическое, Реализм

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Created He Them: читать книгу в оригинале на английском

"I did not think you would be so early."
"It is half past eight." He looked at his watch. "The train leaves at 9.12."
He was very businesslike, until he saw her lips tremble as she abruptly turned and led the way.
"It'll be all right, little woman," he said soothingly. "Doctor Bodineau's the man. He'll pull him through, you'll see."
They entered the living-room. His glance quested apprehensively about, then turned to her.
"Where's Al?"
She did not answer, but with a sudden impulse came close to him and stood motionless. She was a slender, dark-eyed woman, in whose face was stamped the strain and stress of living. But the fine lines and the haunted look in the eyes were not the handiwork of mere worry. He knew whose handiwork it was as he looked upon it, and she knew when she consulted her mirror.
"It's no use, Mary," he said. He put his hand on her shoulder. "We've tried everything. It's a wretched business, I know, but what else can we do? You've failed. Doctor Bodineau's all that's left."
"If I had another chance . . . " she began falteringly.
"We've threshed that all out," he answered harshly. "You've got to buck up, now. You know what conclusion we arrived at. You know you haven't the ghost of a hope in another chance."
She shook her head. "I know it. But it is terrible, the thought of his going away to fight it out alone."
"He won't be alone. There's Doctor Bodineau. And besides, it's a beautiful place."
She remained silent.
"It is the only thing," he said.
"It is the only thing," she repeated mechanically.
He looked at his watch. "Where's Al?"
"I'll send him."
When the door had closed behind her, he walked over to the window and looked out, drumming absently with his knuckles on the pane.
He turned and responded to the greeting of the man who had just entered. There was a perceptible drag to the man's feet as he walked across toward the window and paused irresolutely halfway.
"I've changed my mind, George," he announced hurriedly and nervously. "I'm not going."
He plucked at his sleeve, shuffled with his feet, dropped his eyes, and with a strong effort raised them again to confront the other.
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