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«Sound and Fury» in inglese

Sound and Fury

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✒ Autore
📖 Pagine7
⏰ Tempo di lettura 20 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1903
🌏 Lingua originale Inglese
📌 Tipi Storie , Storie
📌 Generi Realismo, Realismo

Sound and Fury: leggi il libro in originale in inglese.

Mr. PENNE. . . . . . An Author Miss LORE. . . . . . An Amanuensis
SCENE — Workroom of Mr. Penne's popular novel factory.
MR. PENNE — Good morning, Miss Lore. Glad to see you so prompt. We should finish that June installment for the Epoch to-day. Leverett is crowding me for it. Are you quite ready? We will resume where we left off yesterday. (Dictates.) "Kate, with a sigh, rose from his knees, and — — "
Miss LORE — Excuse me; you mean "rose from her knees," instead of "his," don't you?
MR. PENNE — Er — no — "his," if you please. It is the love scene in the garden. (Dictates.) "Rose from his knees where, blushing with youth's bewitching coyness, she had rested for a moment after Cortland had declared his love. The hour was one of supreme and tender joy. When Kate — scene that Cortland never — "
Miss LORE — Excuse me; but wouldn't it be more grammatical to say "when Kate SAW," instead of "seen"?
MR. PENNE — The context will explain. (DICTATES.) "When Kate — scene that Cortland never forgot — came tripping across the lawn it seemed to him the fairest sight that earth had ever offered to his gaze."
Miss LORE — Oh!
MR. PENNE (dictates) — "Kate had abandoned herself to the joy of her new-found love so completely, that no shadow of her former grief was cast upon it. Cortland, with his arm firmly entwined about her waist, knew nothing of her sighs — "
MISS LORE — Goodness! If he couldn't tell her size with his arm around —
MR. PENNE (frowning) — "Of her sighs and tears of the previous night."
MR.PENNE (dictates) — "To Cortland the chief charm of this girl was her look of innocence and unworldiness. Never had nun — "
MISS LORE — How about changing that to "never had any?"
MR. PENNE (emphatically) — "Never had nun in cloistered cell a face more sweet and pure."
MR. PENNE (dictates) — "But now Kate must hasten back to the house lest her absence be discovered. After a fond farewell she turned and sped lightly away. Cortland's gaze followed her. He watched her rise — "
MISS LORE — Excuse me, Mr. Penne; but how could he watch her eyes while her back was turned toward him?
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