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«Le Rouge et le Noir» in inglese

The Red and the Black

34 voti
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine1017
⏰ Tempo di lettura 32 ore
💡 Pubblicato1830
🌏 Lingua originale Francese
📌 Tipo Romanzi
📌 Generi Psicologico, Realismo, Sociale

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Put thousands together less bad,
But the cage less gay. — Hobbes.
The little town of Verrières can pass for one of the prettiest in Franche-Comté.
Its white houses with their pointed red-tiled roofs stretch along the slope of a hill, whose slightest undulations are marked by groups of vigorous chestnuts.
The Doubs flows to within some hundred feet above its fortifications, which were built long ago by the Spaniards, and are now in ruins.
Verrières is sheltered on the north by a high mountain which is one of the branches of the Jura.
The jagged peaks of the Verra are covered with snow from the beginning of the October frosts.
A torrent which rushes down from the mountains traverses Verrières before throwing itself into the Doubs, and supplies the motive power for a great number of saw mills.
The industry is very simple, and secures a certain prosperity to the majority of the inhabitants who are more peasant than bourgeois.
It is not, however, the wood saws which have enriched this little town. It is the manufacture of painted tiles, called Mulhouse tiles, that is responsible for that general affluence which has caused the façades of nearly all the houses in Verrières to be rebuilt since the fall of Napoleon.
One has scarcely entered the town, before one is stunned by the din of a strident machine of terrifying aspect.
Twenty heavy hammers which fall with a noise that makes the paved floor tremble, are lifted up by a wheel set in motion by the torrent.
Each of these hammers manufactures every day I don't know how many thousands of nails.
The little pieces of iron which are rapidly transformed into nails by these enormous hammers, are put in position by fresh pretty young girls.
This labour so rough at first sight is one of the industries which most surprises the traveller who penetrates for the first time the mountains which separate France and Helvetia.
If when he enters Verrières, the traveller asks who owns this fine nail factory which deafens everybody who goes up the Grande-Rue, he is answered in a drawling tone
"Eh! it belongs to M. the Mayor."
And if the traveller stops a few minutes in that Grande-Rue of Verrières which goes on an upward incline from the bank of the Doubs to nearly as far as the summit of the hill, it is a hundred to one that he will see a big man with a busy and important air.
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