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«Zhizn' v voprosakh i vosklitsaniyakh» in inglese

Life as a series of questions and exclamations

51 voto
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine5
⏰ Tempo di lettura 20 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1882
🌏 Lingua originale Russo
📌 Tipo Storie
📌 Generi Realismo, Umorismo

Zhizn' v voprosakh i vosklitsaniyakh: leggi il libro in inglese.

What is it, a boy or a girl?
When’s the christening?
A strapping lad!
Mama, don’t drop him!
Ah, Ah!
He’ll fall!!
Has he cut his teeth?
Has he got eczema?
Take the cat from him, otherwise she’ll scratch him!
Pull grandpa’s moustache!
That’s it!
Don’t cry!
The goblins will get you!
He’s already walking!
Take him away, that’s not polite!
What’s he done to you?
Your poor jacket!
Never mind, we’ll get it dry!
He’s upset the ink!
Go to sleep, chickabiddy!
He’s already talking!
Ah, what a charmer!
Come on then, say something!
He was nearly run over!
Time to get rid of nanny!
Don’t stand in the draught!
You should be ashamed, how could you smack such a little one?
Don’t cry!
Give him a cakey!
Just you come here, I’ll teach you a lesson!
Where did you manage to smash your nose?
Don’t upset mummy!
You’re not a toddler!
Don’t come up to the table, it’s your turn after!
Read it!
So you don’t know it!
Stand in the corner!
One out of ten!
Don’t put nails in your pocket!
Why won’t you listen to what mummy says?
Eat properly!
Don’t pick your nose!
Was it you who hit Mitya?
He fired it!
Read me
‘The Bear’s Ear’!
What is the nominative plural?
Decline it and learn it!
Leave the classroom!
No dinner for you tonight!
Bedtime, beddybyes!
It’s ten already!
He always plays up when we have visitors!
You’re lying!
Comb your hair!
Leave the table!
Come on then, show me your marks’ book!
You’ve already torn those boots?!
A grown up like you shouldn’t cry!
How did you get this uniform dirty?
You’re eating us out of house and home!
One out of ten again?
Thrashing is too good for you!
If you’re going to smoke, then I’ll throw you out of the house!
What is the superlative of facilis?
Who polished off this wine?
Children, there’s a performing monkey in the yard!
Why have you stopped my son from going up a form again?
Grandma is here!
You’re too young to drink vodka!
Tell me the sequence of tenses of verbs!
Not yet, not yet, young man!
At your age I knew nothing at all about that!
Are you still afraid to smoke in front of your father?
Ah, what a disgrace!
Ninochka sends her best wishes!
We’ll take Bellum Gallicum!
Is this the ut consecutivum?
Ah, my sweetheart!
Don’t, young Sir, or else… I’ll tell papa!
Enough, enough… you swine!
Hurray, at last my beard is growing!
You painted that on, its not growing!
Nadine has a most wonderful chin!
What class are you in now?
You must agree, papa, that it’s unthinkable for me not to have pocket money!
Yes I know her!
I was at her place!
So it was you?
You’re a quiet one!
Let’s have a fag!
If only you knew how much I love her!
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