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«Just Patty» in inglese

Just Patty

51 voto
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine277
⏰ Tempo di lettura 8 ore 45 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1911
🌏 Lingua originale Inglese
📌 Tipo Narrative

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Just Patty: leggi il libro in originale in inglese.


IT'S a shame!" said Priscilla.
"It's an outrage!" said Conny.
"It's an insult!" said Patty.
"To separate us now after we've been together three years — "
"And it isn't as though we were awfully bad last year.
Lots of girls had more demerits."
"Only our badness was sort of conspicuous," Patty admitted.
"But we were very good the last three weeks," reminded Conny.
"And you should see my new room-mate!" wailed Priscilla.
"She can't be any worse than Irene McCullough."
"She is! — Her father's a missionary, and she was brought up in China.
Her name is Keren-happuch Hersey, after Job's youngest daughter.
And she doesn't think it's funny!"
"Irene," said Conny gloomily, "gained twenty pounds through the summer.
She weighs — "
"But you should see mine!" cried Patty, in exasperation. "Her name is Mae Mertelle Van Arsdale."
"Keren studies every second; and expects me to walk on tiptoe so she can concentrate."
"You should hear Mae Mertelle talk!
She said her father was a financier, and wanted to know what mine was.
I told her he was a reform judge, and that he spent his time putting financiers in prison.
She says I'm an impertinent child," Patty grinned feebly.
"How old is she?"
"She's nineteen, and has been proposed to twice."
Whatever made her choose St. Ursula's?"
"Her father and mother ran away and got married when they were nineteen, and they're afraid she inherited the tendency.
So they picked out a good, strict, church school.
Mae doesn't know how she's ever going to fix her hair without a maid.
She's awfully superstitious about moonstones.
She never wears anything but silk stockings and she can't stand hash.
I'll have to teach her how to make a bed.
She always crosses on the White Star Line."
Patty scattered these details at random.
The others listened sympathetically, and added a few of their own troubles.
"Irene weighs a hundred and fifty-nine pounds and six ounces, not counting her clothes," said Conny. "She brought two trunks loaded with candy.
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