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«Shutochka» in inglese

A Joke

45 voti
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine7
⏰ Tempo di lettura 20 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1886
🌏 Lingua originale Russo
📌 Tipo Storie
📌 Generi Psicologico, Realismo

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Shutochka: leggi il libro in inglese.

It was a bright winter midday.
There was a sharp snapping frost and the curls on Nadenka's temples and the down on her upper lip were covered with silvery frost. She was holding my arm and we were standing on a high hill.
From where we stood to the ground below there stretched a smooth sloping descent in which the sun was reflected as in a looking-glass.
Beside us was a little sledge lined with bright red cloth.
"Let us go down, Nadyezhda Petrovna!" I besought her. "Only once! I assure you we shall be all right and not hurt."
But Nadenka was afraid. The slope from her little goloshes to the bottom of the ice hill seemed to her a terrible, immensely deep abyss.
Her spirit failed her, and she held her breath as she looked down, when I merely suggested her getting into the sledge, but what would it be if she were to risk flying into the abyss! She would die, she would go out of her mind.
"I entreat you!" I said. "You mustn't be afraid! You know it's poor-spirited, it's cowardly!"
Nadenka gave way at last, and from her face I saw that she gave way in mortal dread.
I sat her in the sledge, pale and trembling, put my arm round her and with her cast myself down the precipice. The sledge flew like a bullet.
The air cleft by our flight beat in our faces, roared, whistled in our ears, tore at us, nipped us cruelly in its anger, tried to tear our heads off our shoulders. We had hardly strength to breathe from the pressure of the wind.
It seemed as though the devil himself had caught us in his claws and was dragging us with a roar to hell.
Surrounding objects melted into one long furiously racing streak, another moment and it seemed we should perish.
"I love you, Nadya!" I said in a low voice.
The sledge began moving more and more slowly, the roar of the wind and the whirr of the runners was no longer so terrible, it was easier to breathe, and at last we were at the bottom.
Nadenka was more dead than alive. She was pale and scarcely breathing. I helped her to get up.
"Nothing would induce me to go again," she said, looking at me with wide eyes full of horror. "Nothing in the world! I almost died!"
A little later she recovered herself and looked
enquiringly into my eyes, wondering had I really uttered those four words or had she fancied them in the roar of the hurricane.
And I stood beside her smoking and looking attentively at my glove. She took my arm and we spent a long while walking near the ice-hill.
The riddle evidently would not let her rest. Had those words been uttered or not? Yes or no? Yes or no?
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