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«Fatima» in inglese


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✒ Autore
📖 Pagine20
⏰ Tempo di lettura 1 ora
💡 Pubblicato1888
🌏 Lingua originale Inglese
📌 Tipi Pezzi , Pezzi

Fatima: leggi il libro in originale in inglese.

And you may go into every room of the house
and see everything that is there, but into
the Blue Room you must _not_ go.
The Story of Blue Beard.
SCENE. — _The_ GADSBYS' _bungalow in the Plains. Time,_ 11 A. M. _on a Sunday morning._ CAPTAIN GADSBY, _in his shirt-sleeves, is bending over a complete set of Hussar's equipment, from saddle to picketing-rope, which is neatly spread over the floor of his study. He is smoking an unclean briar, and his forehead is puckered with thought._
CAPT. G. (To himself, fingering a headstall.<\i>) Jack's an ass. There's enough brass on this to load a mule — and, if the Americans know anything about anything, it can be cut down to a bit only. 'Don't want the watering-bridle, either. Humbug! — Half a dozen sets of chains and pulleys for one horse! Rot! (Scratching his head.<\i>) Now, let's consider it all over from the beginning. By Jove, I've forgotten the scale of weights! Ne'er mind. 'Keep the bit only, and eliminate every boss from the crupper to breastplate. No breastplate at all. Simple leather strap across the breast — like the Russians. Hi! Jack never thought of _that!_
MRS. G. (Entering hastily, her hand bound in a cloth.<\i>) Oh, Pip, I've scalded my hand over that horrid, horrid Tiparee jam!
CAPT. G. (Absently.<\i>) Eh! Wha-at?
MRS. G. (With round-eyed reproach.<\i>) I've scalded it _aw_-fully! Aren't you sorry? And I _did_ so want that jam to jam properly.
CAPT. G. Poor little woman! Let me kiss the place and make it well. (Unrolling bandage.<\i>) You small sinner! Where's that scald? I can't see it.
MRS. G. On the top of the little finger. There! — It's a most 'normous big burn!
CAPT. G. (Kissing little finger.<\i>) Baby! Let Hyder look after the jam. You know I don't care for sweets.
MRS. G. In-deed? — Pip!
CAPT. G. Not of that kind, anyhow. And now run along, Minnie, and leave me to my own base devices. I'm busy.
MRS. G. (Calmly settling herself in long chair.<\i>) So I see. What a mess you're making! Why have you brought all that smelly leather stuff into the house?
CAPT. G. To play with. Do you mind, dear?
MRS. G. Let _me_ play too. I'd like it.
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