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«Das Hausgesinde» in inglese

Domestic servants

3.758 voti
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine1
⏰ Tempo di lettura 10 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1815
🌏 Lingua originale Tedesco
📌 Tipo Favola, fiaba
📌 Generi Letteratura per ragazzi, Umorismo, Parabola

Das Hausgesinde: leggi il libro in inglese.

"Whither goest thou?" - "To Walpe." - "I to Walpe, thou to Walpe, so, so, together we'll go."
"Hast thou a man? What is his name?" - "Cham." - "My man Cham, thy man Cham; I to Walpe, thou to Walpe; so, so, together we'll go."
"Hast thou a child? How is he styled?" - "Wild." - "My child Wild, thy child Wild; my man Cham, thy man Cham; I to Walpe, thou to Walpe, so, so, together we'll go."
"Hast thou a cradle? How callest thou thy cradle?" - "Hippodadle." - "My cradle Hippodadle, my child Wild, thy child Wild, my man Cham, thy man Cham; I to Walpe, thou to Walpe, so, so, together we'll go."
"Hast thou also a drudge? What name has thy drudge?" - "From-thy-work- do-not-budge." - "My drudge, From-thy-work-do-not-budge; my child Wild, thy child Wild; my man Cham, thy man Cham; I to Walpe, thou to Walpe; so, so, together we'll go."
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