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«Mal'chiki» in inglese

The Boys

3.9314 voti
✒ Autore
📖 Pagine12
⏰ Tempo di lettura 30 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1887
🌏 Lingua originale Russo
📌 Tipo Storie
📌 Generi Psicologico, Realismo, Ironico

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Mal'chiki: leggi il libro in inglese.

"VOLODIA is here!" cried some one in the courtyard.
"Voloditchka is here!" shrieked Natalia, rushing into the dining-room.
The whole family ran to the window, for they had been expecting their Volodia for hours. At the front porch stood a wide posting sleigh with its troika of white horses wreathed in dense clouds of steam. The sleigh was empty because Volodia was already standing in the front entry untying his hood with red, frostbitten fingers. His schoolboy's uniform, his overcoat, his cap, his goloshes, and the hair on his temples were all silvery with frost, and from his head to his feet he exhaled such a wholesome atmosphere of cold that one shivered to be near him. His mother and aunt rushed to kiss and embrace him. Natalia fell down at his feet and began pulling off his goloshes. His sisters shrieked, doors creaked and banged on every side, and his father came running into the hall in his shirt-sleeves waving a pair of scissors and crying in alarm:
"Is anything the matter? We expected you yesterday. Did you have a good journey? For heaven's sake, give him a chance to kiss his own father!"
"Bow, wow, wow!" barked the great black dog, My Lord, in a deep voice, banging the walls and furniture with his tail.
All these noises went to make up one great, joyous clamour that lasted several minutes. When the first burst of joy had subsided the family noticed that, beside Volodia, there was still another small person in the hall. He was wrapped in scarfs and shawls and hoods and was standing motionless in the shadow cast by a huge fox-skin coat.
"Volodia, who is that?" whispered Volodia's mother. "Good gracious!" Volodia exclaimed recollecting himself. "Let me present my friend Tchetchevitsin. I have brought him from school to stay with us."
"We are delighted to see you! Make yourself at home!" cried the father gaily. "Excuse my not having a coat on! Allow me! — Natalia, help Mr. Tcherepitsin to take off his things! For heaven's sake, take that dog away! This noise is too awful!"
A few minutes later Volodia and his friend were sitting in the dining-room drinking tea, dazed by their noisy reception and still rosy with cold. The wintry rays of the sun, piercing the frost and snow on the window-panes, trembled over the samovar and bathed themselves in the slop-basin. The room was warm, and the boys felt heat and cold jostling one another in their bodies, neither wanting to concede its place to the other.
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