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«The Absent-minded Man» in inglese

The Absent-minded Man

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✒ Autore
📖 Pagine11
⏰ Tempo di lettura 30 minuti
💡 Pubblicato1897
🌏 Lingua originale Inglese
📌 Tipi Storie , Storie
📌 Generi Realismo, Realismo

The Absent-minded Man: leggi il libro in originale in inglese.

You ask him to dine with you on Thursday to meet a few people who are anxious to know him.
“Now don’t make a muddle of it,” you say, recollectful of former mishaps, “and come on the Wednesday.”
He laughs good-naturedly as he hunts through the room for his diary.
“Shan’t be able to come Wednesday,” he says, “shall be at the Mansion House, sketching dresses, and on Friday I start for Scotland, so as to be at the opening of the Exhibition on Saturday. It’s bound to be all right this time. Where the deuce is that diary! Never mind, I’ll make a note of it on this — you can see me do it.”
You stand over him while he writes the appointment down on a sheet of foolscap, and watch him pin it up over his desk. Then you come away contented.
“I do hope he’ll turn up,” you say to your wife on the Thursday evening, while dressing.
“Are you sure you made it clear to him?” she replies, suspiciously, and you instinctively feel that whatever happens she is going to blame you for it.
Eight o’clock arrives, and with it the other guests. At half-past eight your wife is beckoned mysteriously out of the room, where the parlour-maid informs her that the cook has expressed a determination, in case of further delay, to wash her hands, figuratively speaking, of the whole affair.
Your wife, returning, suggests that if the dinner is to be eaten at all it had better be begun. She evidently considers that in pretending to expect him you have been merely playing a part, and that it would have been manlier and more straightforward for you to have admitted at the beginning that you had forgotten to invite him.
During the soup and the fish you recount anecdotes of his unpunctuality. By the time the entrée arrives the empty chair has begun to cast a gloom over the dinner, and with the joint the conversation drifts into talk about dead relatives.
On Friday, at a quarter past eight, he dashes to the door and rings violently. Hearing his voice in the hall, you go to meet him.
“Sorry I’m late,” he sings out cheerily. “Fool of a cabman took me to Alfred Place instead of — ”
“Well, what do you want now you are come?” you interrupt, feeling anything but genially inclined towards him. He is an old friend, so you can be rude to him.
He laughs, and slaps you on the shoulder.
“Why, my dinner, my dear boy, I’m starving.”
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