LinguaBoosteraprendiendo idiomas extranjeros

Verbo inglés "advocate"

Formas verbales

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Gerund


Nominal forms
Simple tense
Continuous tense
Perfect tense
Perfect continuous tense


Simple Tense

Present Simple

  • I advocate
  • you advocate
  • he, she advocates
  • we advocate
  • you advocate
  • they advocate

Past Simple

  • I advocated
  • you advocated
  • he, she advocated
  • we advocated
  • you advocated
  • they advocated

Future Simple

  • I will advocate
  • you will advocate
  • he, she will advocate
  • we will advocate
  • you will advocate
  • they will advocate

Continuous Tense

Present Simple Continuous

  • I am advocating
  • you are advocating
  • he, she is advocating
  • we are advocating
  • you are advocating
  • they are advocating

Past Simple Continuous

  • I was advocating
  • you were advocating
  • he, she was advocating
  • we were advocating
  • you were advocating
  • they were advocating

Future Simple Continuous

  • I will be advocating
  • you will be advocating
  • he, she will be advocating
  • we will be advocating
  • you will be advocating
  • they will be advocating

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect

  • I have advocated
  • you have advocated
  • he, she has advocated
  • we have advocated
  • you have advocated
  • they have advocated

Past Perfect

  • I had advocated
  • you had advocated
  • he, she had advocated
  • we had advocated
  • you had advocated
  • they had advocated

Future Perfect

  • I will have advocated
  • you will have advocated
  • he, she will have advocated
  • we will have advocated
  • you will have advocated
  • they will have advocated

Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous

  • I have been advocating
  • you have been advocating
  • he, she has been advocating
  • we have been advocating
  • you have been advocating
  • they have been advocating

Past Perfect Continuous

  • I had been advocating
  • you had been advocating
  • he, she had been advocating
  • we had been advocating
  • you had been advocating
  • they had been advocating

Future Perfect Continuous

  • I will have been advocating
  • you will have been advocating
  • he, she will have been advocating
  • we will have been advocating
  • you will have been advocating
  • they will have been advocating



  • I would advocate
  • you would advocate
  • he, she would advocate
  • we would advocate
  • you would advocate
  • they would advocate


  • I would have advocated
  • you would have advocated
  • he, she would have advocated
  • we would have advocated
  • you would have advocated
  • they would have advocated

Present Continuous

  • I would be advocating
  • you would be advocating
  • he, she would be advocating
  • we would be advocating
  • you would be advocating
  • they would be advocating

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been advocating
  • you would have been advocating
  • he, she would have been advocating
  • we would have been advocating
  • you would have been advocating
  • they would have been advocating



  • you advocate
  • we Let's advocate
  • you advocate

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