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«Trusty John» in Spanish

El fiel Juan

44 votes
✒ Author
📖 Pages8
⏰ Reading time 30 minutes
💡 Originally published1819
🌏 Original language German
📌 Type Fairy tale
📌 Genres Children's literature, Adventure, Parable

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El fiel Juan: read the book with parallel translation into English

Érase una vez un anciano Rey, se sintió enfermo y pensó: Sin duda es mi lecho de muerte éste en el que yazgo. Y ordenó: "Que venga mi fiel Juan." Era éste su criado favorito, y le llamaban así porque durante toda su vida había sido fiel a su señor. Cuando estuvo al pie de la cama, díjole el Rey: "Mi fidelísimo Juan, presiento que se acerca mi fin, y sólo hay una cosa que me atormenta: mi hijo. Es muy joven todavía, y no siempre sabe gobernarse con tino. Si no me prometes que lo instruirás en todo lo que necesita saber y velarás por él como un padre, no podré cerrar los ojos tranquilo." - "Os prometo que nunca lo abandonaré," le respondió el fiel Juan, "lo serviré con toda fidelidad, aunque haya de costarme la vida." Dijo entonces el anciano Rey: "Así muero tranquilo y en paz." Y prosiguió: "Cuando yo haya muerto enséñale todo el palacio, todos los aposentos, los salones, los soterrados y los tesoros guardados en ellos. Pero guárdate de mostrarle la última cámara de la galería larga, donde se halla el retrato de la princesa del Tejado de Oro, pues si lo viera, se enamoraría perdidamente de ella, perdería el sentido, y por su causa se expondría a grandes peligros; así que guárdalo de ello." Y cuando el fiel Juan hubo renovado la promesa a su Rey, enmudeció éste y, reclinando la cabeza en la almohada, murió.
There was once on a time an old king who was ill, and thought to himself, "I am lying on what must be my death-bed." Then said he, " Tell Faithful John to come to me." Faithful John was his favourite servant, and was so called, because he had for his whole life long been so true to him. When therefore he came beside the bed, the King said to him, "Most faithful John, I feel my end approaching, and have no anxiety except about my son. He is still of tender age, and cannot always know how to guide himself. If thou dost not promise me to teach him everything that he ought to know, and to be his foster-father, I cannot close my eyes in peace." Then answered Faithful John, "I will not forsake him, and will serve him with fidelity, even if it should cost me my life." On this, the old King said, "Now I die in comfort and peace." Then he added, "After my death, thou shalt show him the whole castle: all the chambers, halls, and vaults, and all the treasures which lie therein, but the last chamber in the long gallery, in which is the picture of the princess of the Golden Dwelling, shalt thou not show. If he sees that picture, he will fall violently in love with her, and will drop down in a swoon, and go through great danger for her sake, therefore thou must preserve him from that." And when Faithful John had once more given his promise to the old King about this, the King said no more, but laid his head on his pillow, and died.
Llevado ya a la sepultura el cuerpo del anciano Rey, el fiel Juan dio cuenta a su joven señor de lo que prometiera a su padre en su lecho de muerte, y añadió: "Lo cumpliré puntualmente y te guardaré fidelidad como se la guardé a él, aunque me hubiera de costar la vida." Celebráronse las exequias, pasó el período de luto, y entonces el fiel Juan dijo al Rey: "Es hora de que veas tu herencia; voy a mostrarte el palacio de tu padre." Y lo acompañó por todo el palacio, arriba y abajo, y le hizo ver todos los tesoros y los magníficos aposentos; sólo dejó de abrir el que guardaba el peligroso retrato. Éste se hallaba colocado de tal modo que se veía con sólo abrir la puerta, y era de una perfección tal que parecía vivir y respirar, y que en el mundo entero no podía encontrarse nada más hermoso ni más delicado. Pero al joven Rey no se le escapó que el fiel Juan pasaba muchas veces por delante de esta puerta sin abrirla, y, al fin, le preguntó: "¿Por qué no la abres nunca?" - "Es que en esta pieza hay algo que te causaría espanto," respondióle el criado. Mas el Rey le replicó: "He visto todo el palacio y quiero también saber lo que hay ahí dentro, y, dirigiéndose a la puerta, trató de forzarla." El fiel Juan lo retuvo y le dijo: "Prometí a tu padre, antes de morir, que no verías lo que hay en este cuarto; nos podría traer grandes desgracias, a ti y a mí." - "Al contrario," replicó el joven Rey. "Si no entro, mi perdición es segura. No descansaré ni de día ni de noche hasta que lo haya contemplado con mis propios ojos. No me muevo de aquí hasta que me abras esta puerta."
When the old King had been carried to his grave, Faithful John told the young King all that he had promised his father on his deathbed, and said, "This will I assuredly perform, and will be faithful to thee as I have been faithful to him, even if it should cost me my life." When the mourning was over, Faithful John said to him, "It is now time that thou shouldst see thine inheritance. I will show thee thy father's palace." Then he took him about everywhere, up and down, and let him see all the riches, and the magnificent apartments, only there was one room which he did not open, that in which hung the dangerous picture. The picture was, however, so placed that when the door was opened you looked straight on it, and it was so admirably painted that it seemed to breathe and live, and there was nothing more charming or more beautiful in the whole world. The young King, however, plainly remarked that Faithful John always walked past this one door, and said, "Why dost thou never open this one for me?" - "There is something within it," he replied, "which would terrify thee." But the King answered, "I have seen all the palace, and I will know what is in this room also," and he went and tried to break open the door by force. Then Faithful John held him back and said, "I promised thy father before his death that thou shouldst not see that which is in this chamber, it might bring the greatest misfortune on thee and on me." - "Ah, no," replied the young King, "if I do not go in, it will be my certain destruction. I should have no rest day or night until I had seen it with my own eyes. I shall not leave the place now until thou hast unlocked the door."
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